Parallel Colt 0.7.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IntFloatProcedure Automatically growing and shrinking map holding elements of float data type. 

Uses of IntFloatProcedure in

Methods in with parameters of type IntFloatProcedure
 boolean OpenIntFloatHashMap.forEachPair(IntFloatProcedure procedure)
          Applies a procedure to each (key,value) pair of the receiver, if any.
 boolean AbstractIntFloatMap.forEachPair(IntFloatProcedure procedure)
          Applies a procedure to each (key,value) pair of the receiver, if any.
 void OpenIntFloatHashMap.pairsMatching(IntFloatProcedure condition, IntArrayList keyList, FloatArrayList valueList)
          Fills all pairs satisfying a given condition into the specified lists.
 void AbstractIntFloatMap.pairsMatching(IntFloatProcedure condition, IntArrayList keyList, FloatArrayList valueList)
          Fills all pairs satisfying a given condition into the specified lists.

Parallel Colt 0.7.2

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