Parallel Colt 0.7.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use HyBRRegularizationMethod
cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo.solver Iterative solvers BiCG - BiConjugate gradients. BiCGstab - BiConjugate gradients stabilized. CG - Conjugate gradients. CGS - Conjugate gradients squared. Chebyshev - The Chebyshev iteration for symmetrical, positive definite matrices. GMRES - Generalized minimal residual using restart. IR - Iterative refinement (Richardson's method). QMR - Quasi-minimal residual. HyBR - Hybrid Bidiagonalization Regularization.  
cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo.solver Iterative solvers BiCG - BiConjugate gradients. BiCGstab - BiConjugate gradients stabilized. CG - Conjugate gradients. CGS - Conjugate gradients squared. Chebyshev - The Chebyshev iteration for symmetrical, positive definite matrices. GMRES - Generalized minimal residual using restart. IR - Iterative refinement (Richardson's method). QMR - Quasi-minimal residual. HyBR - Hybrid Bidiagonalization Regularization.  

Uses of HyBRRegularizationMethod in cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo.solver

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo.solver that return HyBRRegularizationMethod
static HyBRRegularizationMethod HyBRRegularizationMethod.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static HyBRRegularizationMethod[] HyBRRegularizationMethod.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Constructors in cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo.solver with parameters of type HyBRRegularizationMethod
DoubleHyBR(HyBRInnerSolver innerSolver, HyBRRegularizationMethod regularizationMethod, double regularizationParameter, double omega, boolean reorthogonalize, int beginRegularization, double flatTolerance, boolean computeRnrm)
          Creates new instance of HyBR solver.

Uses of HyBRRegularizationMethod in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo.solver

Constructors in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo.solver with parameters of type HyBRRegularizationMethod
FloatHyBR(HyBRInnerSolver innerSolver, HyBRRegularizationMethod regularizationMethod, float regularizationParameter, float omega, boolean reorthogonalize, int beginRegularization, float flatTolerance, boolean computeRnrm)
          Creates new instance of HyBR solver.

Parallel Colt 0.7.2

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