Parallel Colt 0.7.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use IntMatrix2D
cern.colt.matrix.tint Matrix interfaces and factories holding elements of int data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tint.algo Algorithms operating on integer matrices. 
cern.colt.matrix.tint.impl Efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2 and 3-dimensional matrices holding elements of int data type. 

Uses of IntMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tint

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.tint that return IntMatrix2D
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.appendColumn(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix1D b)
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.appendColumns(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B)
          C = A||B; Constructs a new matrix which is the column-wise concatenation of two other matrices.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.appendRow(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix1D b)
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.appendRows(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B)
          C = A||B; Constructs a new matrix which is the row-wise concatenation of two other matrices.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.ascending(int rows, int columns)
          Constructs a matrix with cells having ascending values.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(int value)
          Sets all cells to the state specified by value.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(int[] values)
          Sets all cells to the state specified by values.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(int[][] values)
          Sets all cells to the state specified by values.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(IntFunction f)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col]).
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D other)
          Replaces all cell values of the receiver with the values of another matrix.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col],y[row,col]).
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function, IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList)
          Assigns the result of a function to all cells with a given indexes
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(IntProcedure cond, int value)
          Assigns a value to all cells that satisfy a condition.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(IntProcedure cond, IntFunction f)
          Assigns the result of a function to all cells that satisfy a condition.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.compose(IntMatrix2D[][] parts)
          Constructs a block matrix made from the given parts.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.composeBidiagonal(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B)
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.composeDiagonal(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B)
          Constructs a diagonal block matrix from the given parts (the direct sum of two matrices).
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.composeDiagonal(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C)
          Constructs a diagonal block matrix from the given parts.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.copy()
          Constructs and returns a deep copy of the receiver.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.descending(int rows, int columns)
          Constructs a matrix with cells having descending values.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.diagonal(int[] vector)
          Constructs a new diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are the elements of vector.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.diagonal(IntMatrix1D vector)
          Constructs a new diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are the elements of vector.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.forEachNonZero(IntIntIntFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each non-zero cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col]).
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.identity(int rowsAndColumns)
          Constructs an identity matrix (having ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere).
          Construct and returns a new empty matrix of the same dynamic type as the receiver, having the same number of rows and columns.
abstract  IntMatrix2D rows, int columns)
          Construct and returns a new empty matrix of the same dynamic type as the receiver, having the specified number of rows and columns.
abstract  IntMatrix2D IntMatrix1D.like2D(int rows, int columns)
          Construct and returns a new 2-d matrix of the corresponding dynamic type, entirelly independent of the receiver.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.make(int[][] values)
          Constructs a matrix with the given cell values.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.make(int[] values, int rows)
          Construct a matrix from a one-dimensional column-major packed array, ala Fortran.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.make(int rows, int columns)
          Constructs a matrix with the given shape, each cell initialized with zero.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.make(int rows, int columns, int initialValue)
          Constructs a matrix with the given shape, each cell initialized with the given value.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.random(int rows, int columns)
          Constructs a matrix with uniformly distributed values in (0,1) (exclusive).
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.repeat(IntMatrix2D A, int rowRepeat, int columnRepeat)
          C = A||A||..||A; Constructs a new matrix which is duplicated both along the row and column dimension.
abstract  IntMatrix2D IntMatrix1D.reshape(int rows, int cols)
          Returns new IntMatrix2D of size rows x columns whose elements are taken column-wise from this matrix.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.reshape(IntMatrix1D a, int rows, int columns)
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.sample(int rows, int columns, int value, int nonZeroFraction)
          Constructs a randomly sampled matrix with the given shape.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.sample(IntMatrix2D matrix, int value, int nonZeroFraction)
          Modifies the given matrix to be a randomly sampled matrix.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix3D.viewColumn(int column)
          Constructs and returns a new 2-dimensional slice view representing the slices and rows of the given column.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.viewColumnFlip()
          Constructs and returns a new flip view along the column axis.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.viewDice()
          Constructs and returns a new dice (transposition) view; Swaps axes; example: 3 x 4 matrix --> 4 x 3 matrix.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.viewPart(int row, int column, int height, int width)
          Constructs and returns a new sub-range view that is a height x width sub matrix starting at [row,column].
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix3D.viewRow(int row)
          Constructs and returns a new 2-dimensional slice view representing the slices and columns of the given row.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.viewRowFlip()
          Constructs and returns a new flip view along the row axis.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.viewSelection(int[] rowIndexes, int[] columnIndexes)
          Constructs and returns a new selection view that is a matrix holding the indicated cells.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.viewSelection(IntMatrix1DProcedure condition)
          Constructs and returns a new selection view that is a matrix holding all rows matching the given condition.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.viewSelection(Set<int[]> indexes)
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix3D.viewSlice(int slice)
          Constructs and returns a new 2-dimensional slice view representing the rows and columns of the given slice.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.viewSorted(int column)
          Sorts the matrix rows into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of the matrix values in the given column.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.viewStrides(int rowStride, int columnStride)
          Constructs and returns a new stride view which is a sub matrix consisting of every i-th cell.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C)
          Linear algebraic matrix-matrix multiplication; C = A x B; Equivalent to A.zMult(B,C,1,0,false,false).
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C, int alpha, int beta, boolean transposeA, boolean transposeB)
          Linear algebraic matrix-matrix multiplication; C = alpha * A x B + beta*C.

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.tint with parameters of type IntMatrix2D
 int IntMatrix2D.aggregate(IntMatrix2D other, IntIntFunction aggr, IntIntFunction f)
          Applies a function to each corresponding cell of two matrices and aggregates the results.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.appendColumn(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix1D b)
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.appendColumns(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B)
          C = A||B; Constructs a new matrix which is the column-wise concatenation of two other matrices.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.appendRow(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix1D b)
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.appendRows(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B)
          C = A||B; Constructs a new matrix which is the row-wise concatenation of two other matrices.
 boolean IntMatrix2DProcedure.apply(IntMatrix2D element)
          Applies a procedure to an argument.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D other)
          Replaces all cell values of the receiver with the values of another matrix.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col],y[row,col]).
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function, IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList)
          Assigns the result of a function to all cells with a given indexes
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.compose(IntMatrix2D[][] parts)
          Constructs a block matrix made from the given parts.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.composeBidiagonal(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B)
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.composeDiagonal(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B)
          Constructs a diagonal block matrix from the given parts (the direct sum of two matrices).
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.composeDiagonal(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C)
          Constructs a diagonal block matrix from the given parts.
 void IntFactory2D.decompose(IntMatrix2D[][] parts, IntMatrix2D matrix)
          Splits a block matrix into its constituent blocks; Copies blocks of a matrix into the given parts.
 void IntFactory2D.decompose(IntMatrix2D[][] parts, IntMatrix2D matrix)
          Splits a block matrix into its constituent blocks; Copies blocks of a matrix into the given parts.
 IntMatrix1D IntFactory2D.diagonal(IntMatrix2D A)
          Constructs a new vector consisting of the diagonal elements of A .
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.repeat(IntMatrix2D A, int rowRepeat, int columnRepeat)
          C = A||A||..||A; Constructs a new matrix which is duplicated both along the row and column dimension.
 IntMatrix2D IntFactory2D.sample(IntMatrix2D matrix, int value, int nonZeroFraction)
          Modifies the given matrix to be a randomly sampled matrix.
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C)
          Linear algebraic matrix-matrix multiplication; C = A x B; Equivalent to A.zMult(B,C,1,0,false,false).
 IntMatrix2D IntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C, int alpha, int beta, boolean transposeA, boolean transposeB)
          Linear algebraic matrix-matrix multiplication; C = alpha * A x B + beta*C.

Uses of IntMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tint.algo

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.tint.algo that return IntMatrix2D
 IntMatrix2D IntSorting.sort(IntMatrix2D matrix, int column)
          Sorts the matrix rows into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of the matrix values in the given column.
 IntMatrix2D IntSorting.sort(IntMatrix2D matrix, int[] aggregates)
          Sorts the matrix rows into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of the matrix values in the virtual column aggregates; Particularly efficient when comparing expensive aggregates, because aggregates need not be recomputed time and again, as is the case for comparator based sorts.
 IntMatrix2D IntSorting.sort(IntMatrix2D matrix, IntMatrix1DComparator c)
          Sorts the matrix rows according to the order induced by the specified comparator.

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.tint.algo with parameters of type IntMatrix2D
 void IntProperty.checkRectangular(IntMatrix2D A)
          Checks whether the given matrix A is rectangular.
 void IntProperty.checkSquare(IntMatrix2D A)
          Checks whether the given matrix A is square.
 int o1, IntMatrix2D o2)
          Compares its two arguments for order.
 int IntProperty.density(IntMatrix2D A)
          Returns the matrix's fraction of non-zero cells; A.cardinality() / A.size().
 boolean IntProperty.equals(IntMatrix2D A, int value)
          Returns whether all cells of the given matrix A are equal to the given value.
 boolean IntProperty.equals(IntMatrix2D A, IntMatrix2D B)
          Returns whether both given matrices A and B are equal.
 String[][] IntFormatter.format(IntMatrix2D matrix)
          Returns a string representations of all cells; no alignment considered.
 void IntProperty.generateNonSingular(IntMatrix2D A)
          Modifies the given matrix square matrix A such that it is diagonally dominant by row and column, hence non-singular, hence invertible.
 boolean IntProperty.isDiagonal(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is diagonal if A[i,j] == 0 whenever i != j.
 boolean IntProperty.isDiagonallyDominantByColumn(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is diagonally dominant by column if the absolute value of each diagonal element is larger than the sum of the absolute values of the off-diagonal elements in the corresponding column.
 boolean IntProperty.isDiagonallyDominantByRow(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is diagonally dominant by row if the absolute value of each diagonal element is larger than the sum of the absolute values of the off-diagonal elements in the corresponding row.
 boolean IntProperty.isIdentity(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is an identity matrix if A[i,i] == 1 and all other cells are zero.
 boolean IntProperty.isLowerBidiagonal(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is lower bidiagonal if A[i,j]==0 unless i==j || i==j+1.
 boolean IntProperty.isLowerTriangular(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is lower triangular if A[i,j]==0 whenever i < j.
 boolean IntProperty.isNonNegative(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is non-negative if A[i,j] >= 0 holds for all cells.
 boolean IntProperty.isOrthogonal(IntMatrix2D A)
          A square matrix A is orthogonal if A*transpose(A) = I.
 boolean IntProperty.isPositive(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is positive if A[i,j] > 0 holds for all cells.
 boolean IntProperty.isSkewSymmetric(IntMatrix2D A)
          A square matrix A is skew-symmetric if A = -transpose(A), that is A[i,j] == -A[j,i].
 boolean IntProperty.isSquare(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is square if it has the same number of rows and columns.
 boolean IntProperty.isStrictlyLowerTriangular(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is strictly lower triangular if A[i,j]==0 whenever i <= j.
 boolean IntProperty.isStrictlyTriangular(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is strictly triangular if it is triangular and its diagonal elements all equal 0.
 boolean IntProperty.isStrictlyUpperTriangular(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is strictly upper triangular if A[i,j]==0 whenever i >= j.
 boolean IntProperty.isSymmetric(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is symmetric if A = tranpose(A), that is A[i,j] == A[j,i].
 boolean IntProperty.isTriangular(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is triangular iff it is either upper or lower triangular.
 boolean IntProperty.isTridiagonal(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is tridiagonal if A[i,j]==0 whenever Math.abs(i-j) > 1.
 boolean IntProperty.isUnitTriangular(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is unit triangular if it is triangular and its diagonal elements all equal 1.
 boolean IntProperty.isUpperBidiagonal(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is upper bidiagonal if A[i,j]==0 unless i==j || i==j-1.
 boolean IntProperty.isUpperTriangular(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is upper triangular if A[i,j]==0 whenever i > j.
 boolean IntProperty.isZero(IntMatrix2D A)
          A matrix A is zero if all its cells are zero.
 int IntProperty.lowerBandwidth(IntMatrix2D A)
          The lower bandwidth of a square matrix A is the maximum i-j for which A[i,j] is nonzero and i > j.
 int IntProperty.semiBandwidth(IntMatrix2D A)
          Returns the semi-bandwidth of the given square matrix A.
 IntMatrix2D IntSorting.sort(IntMatrix2D matrix, int column)
          Sorts the matrix rows into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of the matrix values in the given column.
 IntMatrix2D IntSorting.sort(IntMatrix2D matrix, int[] aggregates)
          Sorts the matrix rows into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of the matrix values in the virtual column aggregates; Particularly efficient when comparing expensive aggregates, because aggregates need not be recomputed time and again, as is the case for comparator based sorts.
 IntMatrix2D IntSorting.sort(IntMatrix2D matrix, IntMatrix1DComparator c)
          Sorts the matrix rows according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
 String IntFormatter.toSourceCode(IntMatrix2D matrix)
          Returns a string s such that Object[] m = s is a legal Java statement.
 String IntProperty.toString(IntMatrix2D A)
          Returns summary information about the given matrix A.
 String IntFormatter.toString(IntMatrix2D matrix)
          Returns a string representation of the given matrix.
 int IntProperty.upperBandwidth(IntMatrix2D A)
          The upper bandwidth of a square matrix A is the maximum j-i for which A[i,j] is nonzero and j > i.

Uses of IntMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tint.impl

Subclasses of IntMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tint.impl
 class DenseIntMatrix2D
          Dense 2-d matrix holding int elements.
 class RCIntMatrix2D
          Sparse row-compressed 2-d matrix holding int elements.
 class SparseIntMatrix2D
          Sparse hashed 2-d matrix holding int elements.
 class WrapperIntMatrix2D
          2-d matrix holding int elements; either a view wrapping another matrix or a matrix whose views are wrappers.

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.tint.impl that return IntMatrix2D
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix2D.assign(int value)
          Sets all cells to the state specified by value.
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.assign(int value)
          Sets all nonzero cells to the state specified by value.
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(int value)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(int[] values)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(int[][] values)
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col]).
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.assign(IntFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each nonzero cell;
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D source)
          Replaces all cell values of the receiver with the values of another matrix.
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D source)
          Replaces all cell values of the receiver with the values of another matrix.
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D source)
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function, IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntProcedure cond, int value)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntProcedure cond, IntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix2D.forEachNonZero(IntIntIntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.forEachNonZero(IntIntIntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.forEachNonZero(IntIntIntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D rows, int columns)
          Construct and returns a new empty matrix of the same dynamic type as the receiver, having the specified number of rows and columns.
 IntMatrix2D rows, int columns)
          Construct and returns a new empty matrix of the same dynamic type as the receiver, having the specified number of rows and columns.
 IntMatrix2D rows, int columns)
          Construct and returns a new empty matrix of the same dynamic type as the receiver, having the specified number of rows and columns.
 IntMatrix2D rows, int columns)
 IntMatrix2D WrapperIntMatrix1D.like2D(int rows, int columns)
          Construct and returns a new 2-d matrix of the corresponding dynamic type, entirelly independent of the receiver.
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix1D.like2D(int rows, int columns)
          Construct and returns a new 2-d matrix of the corresponding dynamic type, entirelly independent of the receiver.
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix1D.like2D(int rows, int columns)
 IntMatrix2D WrapperIntMatrix1D.reshape(int rows, int cols)
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix1D.reshape(int rows, int cols)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix1D.reshape(int rows, int cols)
 IntMatrix2D WrapperIntMatrix2D.viewColumnFlip()
          Constructs and returns a new flip view along the column axis.
 IntMatrix2D WrapperIntMatrix2D.viewDice()
          Constructs and returns a new dice (transposition) view; Swaps axes; example: 3 x 4 matrix --> 4 x 3 matrix.
 IntMatrix2D WrapperIntMatrix2D.viewPart(int row, int column, int height, int width)
          Constructs and returns a new sub-range view that is a height x width sub matrix starting at [row,column].
 IntMatrix2D WrapperIntMatrix2D.viewRowFlip()
          Constructs and returns a new flip view along the row axis.
 IntMatrix2D WrapperIntMatrix2D.viewSelection(int[] rowIndexes, int[] columnIndexes)
          Constructs and returns a new selection view that is a matrix holding the indicated cells.
 IntMatrix2D WrapperIntMatrix2D.viewStrides(int _rowStride, int _columnStride)
          Constructs and returns a new stride view which is a sub matrix consisting of every i-th cell.
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C)
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C, int alpha, int beta, boolean transposeA, boolean transposeB)
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C, int alpha, int beta, boolean transposeA, boolean transposeB)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C, int alpha, int beta, boolean transposeA, boolean transposeB)

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.tint.impl with parameters of type IntMatrix2D
 int DenseIntMatrix2D.aggregate(IntMatrix2D other, IntIntFunction aggr, IntIntFunction f)
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D source)
          Replaces all cell values of the receiver with the values of another matrix.
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D source)
          Replaces all cell values of the receiver with the values of another matrix.
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D source)
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.assign(IntMatrix2D y, IntIntFunction function, IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList)
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C)
 IntMatrix2D SparseIntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C, int alpha, int beta, boolean transposeA, boolean transposeB)
 IntMatrix2D RCIntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C, int alpha, int beta, boolean transposeA, boolean transposeB)
 IntMatrix2D DenseIntMatrix2D.zMult(IntMatrix2D B, IntMatrix2D C, int alpha, int beta, boolean transposeA, boolean transposeB)

Constructors in cern.colt.matrix.tint.impl with parameters of type IntMatrix2D
WrapperIntMatrix2D(IntMatrix2D newContent)

Parallel Colt 0.7.2

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