Parallel Colt 0.7.2

Class ObjectPartitioning

  extended by cern.colt.matrix.tobject.algo.ObjectPartitioning

public class ObjectPartitioning
extends Object

Given some interval boundaries, partitions matrices such that cell values falling into an interval are placed next to each other.


Partitioning into two intervals is O( N ). Partitioning into k intervals is O( N * log(k)). Constants factors are minimized.

1.0, 09/24/99
See Also:
"Partitioning arrays (provides more documentation)"

Method Summary
static void partition(ObjectMatrix2D matrix, int[] rowIndexes, int rowFrom, int rowTo, int column, Object[] splitters, int splitFrom, int splitTo, int[] splitIndexes)
          Same as Partitioning.partition(int[],int,int,int[],int,int,int[]) except that it synchronously partitions the rows of the given matrix by the values of the given matrix column; This is essentially the same as partitioning a list of composite objects by some instance variable; In other words, two entire rows of the matrix are swapped, whenever two column values indicate so.
static ObjectMatrix2D partition(ObjectMatrix2D matrix, int column, Object[] splitters, int[] splitIndexes)
          Same as Partitioning.partition(int[],int,int,int[],int,int,int[]) except that it synchronously partitions the rows of the given matrix by the values of the given matrix column; This is essentially the same as partitioning a list of composite objects by some instance variable; In other words, two entire rows of the matrix are swapped, whenever two column values indicate so.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void partition(ObjectMatrix2D matrix,
                             int[] rowIndexes,
                             int rowFrom,
                             int rowTo,
                             int column,
                             Object[] splitters,
                             int splitFrom,
                             int splitTo,
                             int[] splitIndexes)
Same as Partitioning.partition(int[],int,int,int[],int,int,int[]) except that it synchronously partitions the rows of the given matrix by the values of the given matrix column; This is essentially the same as partitioning a list of composite objects by some instance variable; In other words, two entire rows of the matrix are swapped, whenever two column values indicate so.

Let's say, a "row" is an "object" (tuple, d-dimensional point). A "column" is the list of "object" values of a given variable (field, dimension). A "matrix" is a list of "objects" (tuples, points).

Now, rows (objects, tuples) are partially sorted according to their values in one given variable (dimension). Two entire rows of the matrix are swapped, whenever two column values indicate so.

Note that arguments are not checked for validity.


8 x 3 matrix:
23, 22, 21
20, 19, 18
17, 16, 15
14, 13, 12
11, 10, 9
8, 7, 6
5, 4, 3
2, 1, 0

column = 0;
rowIndexes = {0,1,2,..,matrix.rows()-1}; rowFrom = 0;
rowTo = matrix.rows()-1;
splitters = {5,10,12}
c = 0;
d = splitters.length-1;
splitIndexes == {0, 2, 3}
rowIndexes == {7, 6, 5, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3}

Here is how it would look
like, if it would be reordered
accoring to rowIndexes.
8 x 3 matrix:
2, 1, 0
5, 4, 3
8, 7, 6
11, 10, 9
23, 22, 21
20, 19, 18
17, 16, 15
14, 13, 12

matrix - the matrix to be partitioned.
rowIndexes - the index of the i-th row; is modified by this method to reflect partitioned indexes.
rowFrom - the index of the first row (inclusive).
rowTo - the index of the last row (inclusive).
column - the index of the column to partition on.
splitters - the values at which the rows shall be split into intervals. Must be sorted ascending and must not contain multiple identical values. These preconditions are not checked; be sure that they are met.
splitFrom - the index of the first splitter element to be considered.
splitTo - the index of the last splitter element to be considered. The method considers the splitter elements splitters[splitFrom] .. splitters[splitTo].
splitIndexes - a list into which this method fills the indexes of rows delimiting intervals. Upon return splitIndexes[splitFrom..splitTo] will be set accordingly. Therefore, must satisfy splitIndexes.length >= splitters.length.


public static ObjectMatrix2D partition(ObjectMatrix2D matrix,
                                       int column,
                                       Object[] splitters,
                                       int[] splitIndexes)
Same as Partitioning.partition(int[],int,int,int[],int,int,int[]) except that it synchronously partitions the rows of the given matrix by the values of the given matrix column; This is essentially the same as partitioning a list of composite objects by some instance variable; In other words, two entire rows of the matrix are swapped, whenever two column values indicate so.

Let's say, a "row" is an "object" (tuple, d-dimensional point). A "column" is the list of "object" values of a given variable (field, dimension). A "matrix" is a list of "objects" (tuples, points).

Now, rows (objects, tuples) are partially sorted according to their values in one given variable (dimension). Two entire rows of the matrix are swapped, whenever two column values indicate so.

Note that arguments are not checked for validity.


8 x 3 matrix:
23, 22, 21
20, 19, 18
17, 16, 15
14, 13, 12
11, 10, 9
8, 7, 6
5, 4, 3
2, 1, 0
column = 0;
splitters = {5,10,12}
splitIndexes == {0, 2, 3}

8 x 3 matrix:
2, 1, 0
5, 4, 3
8, 7, 6
11, 10, 9
23, 22, 21
20, 19, 18
17, 16, 15
14, 13, 12

matrix - the matrix to be partitioned.
column - the index of the column to partition on.
splitters - the values at which the rows shall be split into intervals. Must be sorted ascending and must not contain multiple identical values. These preconditions are not checked; be sure that they are met.
splitIndexes - a list into which this method fills the indexes of rows delimiting intervals. Therefore, must satisfy splitIndexes.length >= splitters.length.
a new matrix view having rows partitioned by the given column and splitters.

Parallel Colt 0.7.2

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