Parallel Colt 0.7.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use JCuComplex
jcuda.jcublas Java bindings for CUBLAS, the NVIDIA CUDA BLAS library. 

Uses of JCuComplex in jcuda.jcublas

Methods in jcuda.jcublas that return JCuComplex
static JCuComplex JCuComplex.cuCadd(JCuComplex x, JCuComplex y)
          Returns a new complex number that is the sum of the given complex numbers
static JCuComplex JCuComplex.cuCdiv(JCuComplex x, JCuComplex y)
          Returns the quotient of the given complex numbers.

Original comment:

This implementation guards against intermediate underflow and overflow by scaling.
static JCuComplex JCuComplex.cuCmplx(float r, float i)
          Creates a new complex number consisting of the given real and imaginary part
static JCuComplex JCuComplex.cuCmul(JCuComplex x, JCuComplex y)
          Returns the product of the given complex numbers.

Original comment:

This implementation could suffer from intermediate overflow even though the final result would be in range.
static JCuComplex JCuComplex.cuConj(JCuComplex x)
          Returns the complex conjugate of the given complex number

Methods in jcuda.jcublas with parameters of type JCuComplex
static void JCublas.cublasCaxpy(int n, JCuComplex alpha, String x, int offsetx, int incx, String y, int offsety, int incy)
          Wrapper for CUBLAS function.
static void JCublas.cublasCaxpy(int n, JCuComplex alpha, String x, int incx, String y, int incy)
static void JCublas.cublasCgemm(char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, JCuComplex alpha, String A, int offsetA, int lda, String B, int offsetB, int ldb, JCuComplex beta, String C, int offsetC, int ldc)
          Wrapper for CUBLAS function.
static void JCublas.cublasCgemm(char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, JCuComplex alpha, String A, int lda, String B, int ldb, JCuComplex beta, String C, int ldc)
static void JCublas.cublasCrot(int n, String x, int offsetx, int incx, String y, int offsety, int incy, float c, JCuComplex s)
          Wrapper for CUBLAS function.
static void JCublas.cublasCrot(int n, String x, int incx, String y, int incy, float c, JCuComplex s)
static void JCublas.cublasCrotg(String pca, int offsetpca, JCuComplex cb, String psc, int offsetpsc, String pcs, int offsetpcs)
          Wrapper for CUBLAS function.
static void JCublas.cublasCrotg(String pca, JCuComplex cb, String psc, String pcs)
static void JCublas.cublasCscal(int n, JCuComplex alpha, String x, int incx)
static void JCublas.cublasCscal(int n, JCuComplex alpha, String x, int offsetx, int incx)
          Wrapper for CUBLAS function.
static int JCublas.cublasGetMatrix(int rows, int cols, String A, int offsetA, int lda, JCuComplex[] B, int offsetB, int ldb)
          Extended wrapper offering additional parameters to specify the offsets inside the matrices
static int JCublas.cublasGetMatrix(int rows, int cols, String A, int lda, JCuComplex[] B, int ldb)
          Extended wrapper supporting complex array arguments
static int JCublas.cublasGetVector(int n, String x, int offsetx, int incx, JCuComplex[] y, int offsety, int incy)
          Extended wrapper offering additional parameters to specify the offsets inside the vectors.
static int JCublas.cublasGetVector(int n, String x, int incx, JCuComplex[] y, int incy)
          Extended wrapper supporting complex array arguments
static int JCublas.cublasSetMatrix(int rows, int cols, JCuComplex[] A, int offsetA, int lda, String B, int offsetB, int ldb)
          Extended wrapper offering additional parameters to specify the offsets inside the matrices
static int JCublas.cublasSetMatrix(int rows, int cols, JCuComplex[] A, int lda, String B, int ldb)
          Extended wrapper supporting complex array arguments
static int JCublas.cublasSetVector(int n, JCuComplex[] x, int offsetx, int incx, String y, int offsety, int incy)
          Extended wrapper offering additional parameters to specify the offsets inside the vectors.
static int JCublas.cublasSetVector(int n, JCuComplex[] x, int incx, String y, int incy)
          Extended wrapper supporting complex array arguments
static float JCuComplex.cuCabs(JCuComplex x)
          Returns the absolute value of the given complex number

Original comment:

This implementation guards against intermediate underflow and overflow by scaling.
static JCuComplex JCuComplex.cuCadd(JCuComplex x, JCuComplex y)
          Returns a new complex number that is the sum of the given complex numbers
static JCuComplex JCuComplex.cuCdiv(JCuComplex x, JCuComplex y)
          Returns the quotient of the given complex numbers.

Original comment:

This implementation guards against intermediate underflow and overflow by scaling.
static float JCuComplex.cuCimag(JCuComplex x)
          Returns the imaginary part of the given complex number
static JCuComplex JCuComplex.cuCmul(JCuComplex x, JCuComplex y)
          Returns the product of the given complex numbers.

Original comment:

This implementation could suffer from intermediate overflow even though the final result would be in range.
static JCuComplex JCuComplex.cuConj(JCuComplex x)
          Returns the complex conjugate of the given complex number
static float JCuComplex.cuCreal(JCuComplex x)
          Returns the real part of the given complex number

Parallel Colt 0.7.2

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