Parallel Colt 0.7.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractMatrix2D
cern.colt.matrix Matrix interfaces and factories; efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2, 3-dimensional matrices holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc; Templated, fixed sized (not dynamically resizable); Also known as multi-dimensional arrays or Data Cubes
cern.colt.matrix.tdcomplex Matrix interfaces and factories holding elements of dcomplex data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tdcomplex.impl Efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2 and 3-dimensional matrices holding elements of dcomplex data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tdouble Matrix interfaces and factories holding elements of double data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.impl Efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2 and 3-dimensional matrices holding elements of double data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tfcomplex Matrix interfaces and factories holding elements of fcomplex data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tfcomplex.impl Efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2 and 3-dimensional matrices holding elements of fcomplex data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tfloat Matrix interfaces and factories holding elements of float data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.impl Efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2 and 3-dimensional matrices holding elements of float data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tint Matrix interfaces and factories holding elements of int data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tint.impl Efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2 and 3-dimensional matrices holding elements of int data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tobject Matrix interfaces and factories holding elements of Object data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tobject.impl Efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2 and 3-dimensional matrices holding elements of Object data type. 

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix

Methods in cern.colt.matrix with parameters of type AbstractMatrix2D
 void AbstractMatrix2D.checkShape(AbstractMatrix2D B)
          Sanity check for operations requiring two matrices with the same number of columns and rows.
 void AbstractMatrix2D.checkShape(AbstractMatrix2D B, AbstractMatrix2D C)
          Sanity check for operations requiring matrices with the same number of columns and rows.
static String AbstractFormatter.shape(AbstractMatrix2D matrix)
          Returns a short string representation describing the shape of the matrix.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tdcomplex

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tdcomplex
 class DComplexMatrix2D
          Abstract base class for 2-d matrices holding complex elements.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tdcomplex.impl

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tdcomplex.impl
 class DenseDComplexMatrix2D
          Dense 2-d matrix holding complex elements.
 class SparseDComplexMatrix2D
          Sparse hashed 2-d matrix holding complex elements.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tdouble

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tdouble
 class DoubleMatrix2D
          Abstract base class for 2-d matrices holding double elements.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.impl

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.impl
 class CCDoubleMatrix2D
          Sparse row-compressed 2-d matrix holding double elements.
 class CCMDoubleMatrix2D
          Sparse column-compressed-modified 2-d matrix holding double elements.
 class DenseColDoubleMatrix2D
          Dense 2-d matrix holding double elements.
 class DenseDoubleMatrix2D
          Dense 2-d matrix holding double elements.
 class DiagonalDoubleMatrix2D
          Diagonal 2-d matrix holding double elements.
 class RCDoubleMatrix2D
          Sparse row-compressed 2-d matrix holding double elements.
 class RCMDoubleMatrix2D
          Sparse row-compressed-modified 2-d matrix holding double elements.
 class SparseDoubleMatrix2D
          Sparse hashed 2-d matrix holding double elements.
 class TridiagonalDoubleMatrix2D
          Tridiagonal 2-d matrix holding double elements.
 class WrapperDoubleMatrix2D
          2-d matrix holding double elements; either a view wrapping another matrix or a matrix whose views are wrappers.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tfcomplex

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tfcomplex
 class FComplexMatrix2D
          Abstract base class for 2-d matrices holding complex elements.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tfcomplex.impl

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tfcomplex.impl
 class DenseFComplexMatrix2D
          Dense 2-d matrix holding complex elements.
 class SparseFComplexMatrix2D
          Sparse hashed 2-d matrix holding complex elements.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat
 class FloatMatrix2D
          Abstract base class for 2-d matrices holding float elements.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.impl

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.impl
 class CCFloatMatrix2D
          Sparse row-compressed 2-d matrix holding float elements.
 class CCMFloatMatrix2D
          Sparse column-compressed-modified 2-d matrix holding float elements.
 class DenseColFloatMatrix2D
          Dense 2-d matrix holding float elements.
 class DenseFloatMatrix2D
          Dense 2-d matrix holding float elements.
 class DiagonalFloatMatrix2D
          Diagonal 2-d matrix holding float elements.
 class RCFloatMatrix2D
          Sparse row-compressed 2-d matrix holding float elements.
 class RCMFloatMatrix2D
          Sparse row-compressed-modified 2-d matrix holding float elements.
 class SparseFloatMatrix2D
          Sparse hashed 2-d matrix holding float elements.
 class WrapperFloatMatrix2D
          2-d matrix holding float elements; either a view wrapping another matrix or a matrix whose views are wrappers.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tint

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tint
 class IntMatrix2D
          Abstract base class for 2-d matrices holding int elements.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tint.impl

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tint.impl
 class DenseIntMatrix2D
          Dense 2-d matrix holding int elements.
 class RCIntMatrix2D
          Sparse row-compressed 2-d matrix holding int elements.
 class SparseIntMatrix2D
          Sparse hashed 2-d matrix holding int elements.
 class WrapperIntMatrix2D
          2-d matrix holding int elements; either a view wrapping another matrix or a matrix whose views are wrappers.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tobject

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tobject
 class ObjectMatrix2D
          Abstract base class for 2-d matrices holding Object elements.

Uses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tobject.impl

Subclasses of AbstractMatrix2D in cern.colt.matrix.tobject.impl
 class DenseObjectMatrix2D
          Dense 2-d matrix holding Object elements.
 class SparseObjectMatrix2D
          Sparse hashed 2-d matrix holding Object elements.

Parallel Colt 0.7.2

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