Parallel Colt 0.7.2

Uses of Package

Packages that use hep.aida.tfloat.bin
cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo Linear Algebraic matrix computations operating on FloatMatrix2D and FloatMatrix1D
hep.aida.tfloat.bin Multisets (bags) with efficient statistics operations defined upon; This package requires the Colt distribution. 

Classes in hep.aida.tfloat.bin used by cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo
          1-dimensional rebinnable bin holding float elements; Efficiently computes advanced statistics of data sequences.
          Interface that represents a function object: a function that takes two bins as arguments and returns a single value.

Classes in hep.aida.tfloat.bin used by hep.aida.tfloat.bin
          Abstract base class for all arbitrary-dimensional bins consumes float elements.
          Abstract base class for all 1-dimensional bins consumes float elements.
          1-dimensional rebinnable bin holding float elements; Efficiently computes advanced statistics of data sequences.
          Interface that represents a function object: a function that takes two bins as arguments and returns a single value.
          Interface that represents a function object: a function that takes two bins as arguments and returns a single value.
          Function objects computing dynamic bin aggregations; to be passed to generic methods.
          Static and the same as its superclass, except that it can do more: Additionally computes moments of arbitrary integer order, harmonic mean, geometric mean, etc.
          1-dimensional non-rebinnable bin holding float elements with scalable quantile operations defined upon; Using little main memory, quickly computes approximate quantiles over very large data sequences with and even without a-priori knowledge of the number of elements to be filled; Conceptually a strongly lossily compressed multiset (or bag); Guarantees to respect the worst case approximation error specified upon instance construction.
          1-dimensional non-rebinnable bin consuming float elements; Efficiently computes basic statistics of data sequences.

Parallel Colt 0.7.2

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