Parallel Colt 0.7.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use FloatFunction Automatically growing and shrinking map holding elements of float data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tfloat Matrix interfaces and factories holding elements of float data type. 
cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo Linear Algebraic matrix computations operating on FloatMatrix2D and FloatMatrix1D
cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.impl Efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2 and 3-dimensional matrices holding elements of float data type. 
cern.jet.math.tfloat Tools for basic and advanced mathematics: Arithmetics and Function Objects for generic function evaluation operating on float data type. 
cern.jet.random.tfloat Large variety of probability distributions featuring high performance generation of random numbers, CDF's and PDF's. 
cern.jet.random.tfloat.engine Engines generating strong uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers; Needed by all JET probability distributions since they rely on uniform random numbers to generate random numbers from their own distribution. 
hep.aida.tfloat.bin Multisets (bags) with efficient statistics operations defined upon; This package requires the Colt distribution. 

Uses of FloatFunction in

Methods in with parameters of type FloatFunction
 void OpenLongFloatHashMap.assign(FloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each value; v[i] = function(v[i]).
 void OpenIntFloatHashMap.assign(FloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each value; v[i] = function(v[i]).
 void AbstractLongFloatMap.assign(FloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each value; v[i] = function(v[i]).
 void AbstractIntFloatMap.assign(FloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each value; v[i] = function(v[i]).

Uses of FloatFunction in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat with parameters of type FloatFunction
 float FloatMatrix3D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f)
          Applies a function to each cell and aggregates the results.
 float FloatMatrix2D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f)
          Applies a function to each cell and aggregates the results.
 float FloatMatrix1D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f)
          Applies a function to each cell and aggregates the results.
 float FloatMatrix3D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, FloatProcedure cond)
          Applies a function to each cell that satisfies a condition and aggregates the results.
 float FloatMatrix2D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, FloatProcedure cond)
          Applies a function to each cell that satisfies a condition and aggregates the results.
 float FloatMatrix1D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, IntArrayList indexList)
          Applies a function to all cells with a given indexes and aggregates the results.
 float FloatMatrix2D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList)
          Applies a function to all cells with a given indexes and aggregates the results.
 float FloatMatrix3D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, IntArrayList sliceList, IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList)
          Applies a function to all cells with a given indexes and aggregates the results.
 FloatMatrix3D FloatMatrix3D.assign(FloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[slice,row,col] = function(x[slice,row,col]).
 FloatMatrix2D FloatMatrix2D.assign(FloatFunction f)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col]).
 FloatMatrix1D FloatMatrix1D.assign(FloatFunction f)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[i] = function(x[i]).
 FloatMatrix3D FloatMatrix3D.assign(FloatProcedure cond, FloatFunction f)
          Assigns the result of a function to all cells that satisfy a condition.
 FloatMatrix2D FloatMatrix2D.assign(FloatProcedure cond, FloatFunction f)
          Assigns the result of a function to all cells that satisfy a condition.
 FloatMatrix1D FloatMatrix1D.assign(FloatProcedure cond, FloatFunction f)
          Assigns the result of a function to all cells that satisfy a condition.

Uses of FloatFunction in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo with parameters of type FloatFunction
 void SmpFloatBlas.assign(FloatMatrix2D A, FloatFunction function)
 void FloatBlas.assign(FloatMatrix2D A, FloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col]).

Uses of FloatFunction in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.impl

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.impl with parameters of type FloatFunction
 float DenseFloatMatrix3D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f)
 float DenseFloatMatrix2D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f)
 float DenseFloatMatrix1D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f)
 float DenseColFloatMatrix2D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f)
 float DenseFloatMatrix3D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, FloatProcedure cond)
 float DenseFloatMatrix2D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, FloatProcedure cond)
 float DenseColFloatMatrix2D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, FloatProcedure cond)
 float DenseFloatMatrix1D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, IntArrayList indexList)
 float DenseFloatMatrix2D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList)
 float DenseColFloatMatrix2D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList)
 float DenseFloatMatrix3D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f, IntArrayList sliceList, IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList)
 FloatMatrix2D SparseFloatMatrix2D.assign(FloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col]).
 FloatMatrix2D RCFloatMatrix2D.assign(FloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each nonzero cell;
 FloatMatrix2D DiagonalFloatMatrix2D.assign(FloatFunction function)
 FloatMatrix3D DenseFloatMatrix3D.assign(FloatFunction function)
 FloatMatrix2D DenseFloatMatrix2D.assign(FloatFunction function)
 FloatMatrix1D DenseFloatMatrix1D.assign(FloatFunction function)
 FloatMatrix2D DenseColFloatMatrix2D.assign(FloatFunction function)
 FloatMatrix2D CCFloatMatrix2D.assign(FloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each nonzero cell;
 FloatMatrix3D DenseFloatMatrix3D.assign(FloatProcedure cond, FloatFunction f)
 FloatMatrix2D DenseFloatMatrix2D.assign(FloatProcedure cond, FloatFunction function)
 FloatMatrix1D DenseFloatMatrix1D.assign(FloatProcedure cond, FloatFunction function)
 FloatMatrix2D DenseColFloatMatrix2D.assign(FloatProcedure cond, FloatFunction function)

Uses of FloatFunction in cern.jet.math.tfloat

Classes in cern.jet.math.tfloat that implement FloatFunction
 class FloatMult
          Only for performance tuning of compute intensive linear algebraic computations.

Fields in cern.jet.math.tfloat declared as FloatFunction
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.abs
          Function that returns Math.abs(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.acos
          Function that returns Math.acos(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.asin
          Function that returns Math.asin(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.atan
          Function that returns Math.atan(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.ceil
          Function that returns Math.ceil(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.cos
          Function that returns Math.cos(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.exp
          Function that returns Math.exp(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.floor
          Function that returns Math.floor(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.identity
          Function that returns its argument.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.inv
          Function that returns 1.0 / a.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.log
          Function that returns Math.log(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.log2
          Function that returns Math.log(a) / Math.log(2).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.neg
          Function that returns -a.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.rint
          Function that returns Math.rint(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.sign
          Function that returns a < 0 ? -1 : a > 0 ? 1 : 0.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.sin
          Function that returns Math.sin(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.sqrt
          Function that returns Math.sqrt(a).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.square
          Function that returns a * a.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.tan
          Function that returns Math.tan(a).

Methods in cern.jet.math.tfloat that return FloatFunction
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.between(float from, float to)
          Constructs a function that returns (from<=a && a<=to) ? 1 : 0.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.bindArg1(FloatFloatFunction function, float c)
          Constructs a unary function from a binary function with the first operand (argument) fixed to the given constant c.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.bindArg2(FloatFloatFunction function, float c)
          Constructs a unary function from a binary function with the second operand (argument) fixed to the given constant c.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.chain(FloatFunction g, FloatFunction h)
          Constructs the function g( h(a) ).
static FloatFunction b)
          Constructs a function that returns a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.constant(float c)
          Constructs a function that returns the constant c.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.div(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns a / b.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.equals(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns a == b ? 1 : 0.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.greater(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns a > b ? 1 : 0.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.IEEEremainder(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns Math.IEEEremainder(a,b).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.less(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns a < b ? 1 : 0.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.lg(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns Math.log(a) / Math.log(b) .
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.max(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns Math.max(a,b).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.min(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns Math.min(a,b).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.minus(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns a - b.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.mod(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns a % b.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.mult(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns a * b.
static FloatFunction b)
          Constructs a function that returns a + b.
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.pow(float b)
          Constructs a function that returns Math.pow(a,b).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.random()
          Constructs a function that returns a new uniform random number in the open unit interval (0.0,1.0) (excluding 0.0 and 1.0).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.round(float precision)
          Constructs a function that returns the number rounded to the given precision; Math.rint(a/precision)*precision.

Methods in cern.jet.math.tfloat with parameters of type FloatFunction
static FloatFloatFunction FloatFunctions.chain(FloatFloatFunction f, FloatFunction g, FloatFunction h)
          Constructs the function f( g(a), h(b) ).
static FloatFloatFunction FloatFunctions.chain(FloatFunction g, FloatFloatFunction h)
          Constructs the function g( h(a,b) ).
static FloatFunction FloatFunctions.chain(FloatFunction g, FloatFunction h)
          Constructs the function g( h(a) ).

Uses of FloatFunction in cern.jet.random.tfloat

Classes in cern.jet.random.tfloat that implement FloatFunction
 class AbstractContinousFloatDistribution
          Abstract base class for all continous distributions.
 class AbstractFloatDistribution
          Abstract base class for all random distributions.
 class FloatUniform
          Uniform distribution; Math definition and animated definition.

Uses of FloatFunction in cern.jet.random.tfloat.engine

Classes in cern.jet.random.tfloat.engine that implement FloatFunction
 class FloatMersenneTwister
          MersenneTwister (MT19937) is one of the strongest uniform pseudo-random number generators known so far; at the same time it is quick.
 class FloatRandomEngine
          Abstract base class for uniform pseudo-random number generating engines.
 class FRand
          Quick medium quality uniform pseudo-random number generator.

Uses of FloatFunction in hep.aida.tfloat.bin

Methods in hep.aida.tfloat.bin with parameters of type FloatFunction
 float DynamicFloatBin1D.aggregate(FloatFloatFunction aggr, FloatFunction f)
          Applies a function to each element and aggregates the results.

Parallel Colt 0.7.2

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